Wednesday, September 20, 2017

It Takes Some Planning

It was just announced this week that RootsTech 2018 registration has opened.

And, I can't wait!

I have attended every RootsTech Conference except for the very first one.  Even though it was only a few short years ago that the first one was held, I thought it was only for those who are technically savvy.

And, I didn't think I was anywhere near good enough in my technical skills to attend a conference.

I was wrong.

I convinced myself to go after winning a registration for the entire conference, so off I went.  I was nervous, for I felt there would be no one as out of place as I felt.

I was wrong.

I took full advantage of the technical classes and labs, as well as the traditional classes.  I talked with other professionals that admittedly had felt the same as I had.  I made the most of every moment I had there.

And, I came away recharged, and ready to be a better genealogist.

Early-bird registration begins today, 20 Sep 2018, and runs through 13 Oct 2018.  You will save a big chunk of money by registering early.

You may register here: 

As in previous years, I will be both a Speaker and an Ambassador for RootsTech 2018.  If they have enough confidence in me to invite me to be either one, then I feel I have a responsibility to promote the conference.

I began to squirrel away money for my trip awhile back.  It's expensive to stay in hotels that are close to the venue.  And, I want to be close to the venue.  It's where the action is.  

There are other hotels that are in walking distance that are quite a bit cheaper than the ones directly across from the Salt Palace.  But, I don't want to walk far.  The Salt Lake City streets are wider than most American city streets.  Brigham Young supposed made the following statement:

"The story goes that Brigham Young, who led Mormon settlers to the West in 1847, directed that the streets of Salt Lake City be made sufficiently wide so that a wagon team could turn around without “resorting to profanity” (Deseret News, July 13, 2009)."

For this 62 year-old grandmother, I come close to resorting to profanity when attempting to walk very far in Salt Lake City.  

Mr. Kerry, who often travels with me, is coming with me this year.  He hasn't been able to attend for a couple of years, and is excited to be returning.

As a speaker, I will have things up and ready to go well before I arrive.

As an Ambassador, my job has now begun to promote and report on this great conference.  One thing I will focus on will be reports from actual classes that I take.
There are bound to be wonderful keynote speakers, celebrities, and singing groups galore.  I will attend all of those, as will thousands of others.

But, I want to focus more on the actual meat that people can use as a takeaway from the classes.  People often ask me what I do when I'm not actually speaking.

I'm attending classes!  My learning is far from over.  

So, Mr. Kerry and I...and, perhaps you, will be preparing for our trip to Salt Lake City at the end of February.  I want to be ready for all that will happen, and to spend plenty of time in the Vendor Hall.

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